coinmine one

CoinMine One Review (2020) – Is It Worth Buying? My Experience After 3 Months

In this Coinmine One review, I am going to talk about my experience with not only the user experience in the last few months, but if I think it’s a viable option for crypto mining, so stay tuned for the whole article to get my scoop.

I recently wrote an in-depth article before I received the device outlining the features and selling points I perceived it to have and I still hold true to those beliefs, but there are also some changes after actually using the device that I didn’t take into consideration. It’s a good read and it can be found HERE.

But in this article, I want to focus in on specifically who this device is for? Is it what I expected? And ultimately, if I think it was worth the price of the device (Which you can receive a special discount on below if you are interested).


Who Is the CoinMine One Intended For?


This at-home crypto miner is designed for the new user to crypto that wants to start participating into mining, without having the learn all the technical intricacies that go along with it.

For instance, when I first unboxed the device and plugged it in for the first time, all I did was download the app, scan the QR code that came in the box to connect it, and within 2 minutes I was mining my first cryptocurrency.

.It was stupidly easy to setup and very easy to figure out. You can mine up to 6 different coins currently ( ZCash, Monero, Grin, Ethereum, Handshake, and Bitcoin) and can switch between them whenever you want all within the app.

Additionally, you can choose “Bitcoin” mode that will mine the most profitable coin on the app and automatically convert it on the backend into your bitcoin wallet if all you want is bitcoin at the end of the day. This is makes it easy to set it and forget it and will automatically utilize the device in the most efficient way to get bitcoin into your wallet, even though you aren’t “mining” it directly.


Is The CoinMine One Device What I Expected?


Overall, I came into this purchase understanding that this wasn’t going to be the most profitable way to mine cryptocurrency. For me, I knew this device would be easy to use, require no maintenance, and I could literally set it and forget it.

Additionally, since I’ve received the device, they’ve added a free feature that allows you to compound interest by leaving your funds in the wallet they provide you by 6.5% per month. This is a free service that is a win-win for accruing your funds faster.

Now, you can transfer your earned funds into your own wallet, once you hit the minimum withdrawal amount, but I personally don’t because I like to utilize a portion of my crypto to earn interest and have it go to work for me.

I also want to point out that this device is super quiet and does not generate almost any heat, like most mining rigs do. This is quieter and sleeker than a playstation and takes less power too. This can easily go in every kitchen, office, or bedroom (if you want a nightlight), without causing a disruption.

If your goal is to participate in mining and earn passive income without: tons of work, research, loud noises, and excessive cooling and electricity costs, you won’t be disappointed.


Is The CoinMine One Worth The Price Of $799?


At their normal price of $799, it can seem a little steep, but it will eventually pay off, because cryptocurrency is still very early.

Luckily for you, I have a special referral code for my readers so they can utilize my specific Coinmine One discount code. All you need to do is click HERE and enter code “BITCOINLOCKUP” at checkout to drop the price to only $649.99, saving you some money right away.

This is the best discount they offer, so I wouldn’t expect to find it cheaper anywhere else. At this price, it’s definitely worth it and it’s been nothing but a positive experience and with the compound interest option automatically applied, you’ll recoup your initial investment sooner than you think. There is no longer a reason to wait!

CoinMine One Conclusion


Overall, Is this device the most efficient way to mine cryptocurrency? No. Is this the path to the most profitability to participate in cryptocurrency mining? No. So why would I do it?

This is designed for people that are new to the ecosystem that want to participate in securing the network of the coin they want to support and allows them to do it easily and safely without ANY technical knowledge required. It takes more skill to setup a playstation than it does with this device.

You can use the calculator on the site to see how long it could take to break even or become profitable, but you shouldn’t expect a return within the first year. Now, it is possible to become profitable much quicker, but that ultimately depend on the overall market and price of the coin you are mining.

So, is it worth the price? That honestly depends, for me this wasn’t strictly about profitability but finding a non-technical way to quickly and easily immerse myself into the ecosystem and be apart of something better!


What do you think? Would you buy the CoinMine One? Let us know down below in the comments!




The Crypto Renegade


NOTE: This post may contain affiliate links. This adds no cost to you but it helps me focus on giving as much value as possible in every single post by being compensated for recommending products that help people succeed.

CoinMine ONE First Look (2020) | Start Mining Bitcoin In 5 Minutes!

In this first look, I am going to go over whether of not it’s worth it to get the CoinMine One cryptocurrency miner. This is actually a VERY interesting product that will make bitcoin mining a simple process that even your grandmother can setup. Seriously, this device helps the un-initiated take the first step into the cryptocurrency world by setting up a non-invasive and simple mining rig that bears resemblance to a video game console.

There are several intricacies when setting up a traditional mining rig, such as an Antminer ASIC or even setting up cloud-mining with a provider. This takes the “know-how” and complete understanding of this process out of the equation. You can literally pull it out of the box and start earning bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies we’ll cover later) within 5 minutes. This is the first machine of it’s kind and it will revolutionize what any newbies understanding of what “bitcoin mining” is.

So without further ado, let’s answer some basic questions about what this new device does and stay tuned to the end, because I’m able to offer a pretty sweet discount for my readers that are ready to dive in!


What Is The CoinMine One?


The CoinMine One is a sleek, quiet, and easy-to-use bitcoin mining device. Typically, bitcoin mining has been long known as a very elusive and complicated subject that was really only done by people that are extremely technical. Additionally, they have access to A LOT of capital to setup infrastructure for hardware, abundant electrical capacity, and a lot of cooling mechanisms to keep these super computers cold enough to operate.

The CoinMine One solves this problem and provides a way for every day people to begin mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with a simple setup from a smartphone. This is ideal for people that are aware of the advantages of cryptocurrency mining and want to secure their slot to the future of finance.

Generally speaking, not only is this a way to create passive income with a “plug-and-play” method, but it allows you to help contribute and secure the bitcoin network as this device is it’s own node. As someone who has been involved in this industry for several years now, this product was a blessing, as it helps create further decentralization by allowing non-technical users to participate in the revolution for a very fair price!


Why Do I Need It?

coinmine one review

As cryptocurrency becomes more mainstream, it’s vital to the concept of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to have the masses gain more understanding and participation within the ecosystem. There are only 2 ways you can currently obtain bitcoin.

  1. You can buy it. Either from an exchange or from someone who owns it directly.
  2. You can mine it. Currently 85% of the total supply (21 million coins) has already been mined.

This creates not only a level of scarcity, but also points out that as the supply decreases, the demand will surely increase, thus causing the price to rise at an increasingly high rate.

The Coinmine One allows you to do this in a very passive, easy way. I have always been an advocate of cryptocurrency mass adoption and have created this website as a resource to help educate and connect people with the right products and services. Honestly, if you do not want to pay the increasing rates to buy bitcoin, this is a simple and easy way to mint your own coins and has many features to help you compound your earnings as well.



Which Cryptocurrencies Can You Mine With It?

As of this writing, you can directly mine: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Grin, Zcash, and Monero. They have also announced Cosmos (ATOM) staking and a rumored leak of Tezos (one of my favorites) being supported for staking!

I am a huge fan of privacy coins and there are promises of future altcoins being added as well. Additionally, this runs on what they call MineOS. It’s a software built in and managed by the connecting smartphone app that allows you to manage what coins are being mined and allows you to choose which coin to mine at any given moment, and you can toggle (within the app) as much as you want to find which coin is most profitable.

What’s really compelling is, you can mine any of the above listed coins and choose to be paid soley in bitcoin (if you choose), even if you choose to mine another coin. This happens at a conversion at the end of the day (or week) so that this is ENTIRELY automated and allows for full customization. Very cool.


How Much Does It Cost?


When this first launched in 2018, the retail price of this device was $799. This isn’t a bad price, considering the costs of hardware and cloud-mining contracts that lock you into a certain price that you have to pay, regardless of profitability.

Luckily, I have a special discount for my readers that will give you a special discount that brings the total price down to $649. You can click the link below to get this special discount, if you are ready to start minting your own bitcoin!



Coinmine One – Conclusion


Bottomline, this device looks very promising and provides the world’s simplest way to start mining bitcoin and other crypto’s in a single, silent, and easy-to-use device that you can plug into any standard wall outlet. When I set up my Antminer S9i ASIC, I had to get special adapters and splitters to use in my residential home to utilize the dryer outlet and was a real hassle to run a cord from there into the basement.

Additionally, the Antimner was EXTREMELY loud and required me to provide fans and ultimately drove up the electricity cost. I will be doing an in-depth review of the Coinmine One device shortly and will have an unboxing and setup video as well. After reaching out to these guys, I am more excited than ever to really put this to the test and make crypto mining easy again! The Coinmine One is taking the complexities and hassle out of industrial mining, and making it accessible for the average person in a VERY big way. Sign me up!



What do you think? Is there an easier solution to start mining bitcoin from your home? Let me know down below!




The Crypto Renegade


NOTE: This post may contain affiliate links. This adds no cost to you but it helps me focus on giving as much value as possible in every single post by being compensated for recommending products that help people succeed.

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